Hope’s Door at Save A Life 2015

ASK’s annual Save A Life event is designed to inform and empower high school students and adults to be community allies and first responders to support teens and families in crisis. In order to achieve this, several workshops will be directed by professionals from several organizations that specialize in prominent safety issues faced by teens each day. Hope’s Door is one of the many inspiring groups that will be presenting at Save A Life.

This incredible alliance “seeks to end domestic violence and to empower victims to achieve safety, independence, and healing from the trauma of abuse.” Hope’s Door formed in 1979 after discovering the need for protection of domestic abuse victims. Over the course of the next ten years, 16 bed-residencies were purchased by the organization and proceeded to shelter survivors and their children.

Hope’s Door eventually began to focus on the pervasive issue of Teen Dating Abuse. At our Save A Life event, Hope’s Door will be sharing their professional knowledge and extensive resources regarding this issue, leaving our youth empowered to recognize signs of unhealthy relationships so proper safety measures can be taken. Facilitators will lead “The Dating Game” where participants will role play and become educated on distinguishing healthy versus unhealthy love.